Medsurant Health is a leader among a distinguished field of IONM companies due to our dedication to patient care and pro-activeness in utilizing new technology. Medsurant Health strives to advance the industry in a positive direction by participating in specialty groups, think tanks and scholarly events.

Industry Leader


Clinical Excellence

On March 13, 2017 Medsurant Health was awarded Ambulatory Healthcare Accreditation by the Joint Commission.   Medsurant Health is committed to maintaining a team culture encompassing the highest standard of care through clinical excellence and patient centered assurance. Our clinical personnel, from the Chief Medical Officer through our highly trained staff of neuromonitorists and remote supervising physicians, are the driving force and foundation of the organization. All Medsurant Health clinical staff are board certified with a healthy percentage carrying multiple accreditations. As an integral piece of Medsurant Health structure, the average tenure of our clinical specialists is 13 years with many exceeding over 30 years as healthcare providers.


Medsurant Health embraces a healthy environment and engaging corporate culture for our employees. Leadership development, team building activities, employee recognition, education and career growth support are all part of the  innovative Medsurant Health culture.

Benefits & Culture


Career Growth Opportunities

Career growth and improvement through continued education benefits our employees, as well as our patients. We continually strive to support our staff with career building opportunities, such as:

  • In-person, web-based and operating room training program
  • CNIM/EP/EEG board exam prep
  • BLS-CPR certification
  • Continuing education (training courses to keep current with most  up-to-date technology)
  • Society memberships
  • Participation in and access to research committees
  • Journal review with industry experts


Career Opportunities >